Chef LaLa Is an Active Supporter of Para Los Niños

Para Los Niños is a beacon of hope in impoverish neighborhoods in Southern California. With a loval and national reputation for award-winning excellence, Para Los Niños provides the highest quality care and education for children, youth and families living in poverty. Para Los Niños core services include:

  • Child Development and Education
  • A Charter School
  • After School Enrichment
  • Youth Diversion and Delinquency Prevention
  • Youth Wokforce Services
  • Mental Health services;
  • Comprehensive Family Support


Since its founding in 1980, Para Los Niños has played a pivotal role in supporting children and families in some of the most underserved communities in Los Angeles, through high quality education and comprehensive social services.

After 30 years of providing quality educational programming to children in poverty, we have concluded that for students to succeed, we must provide children and their families comprehensive, integrated and co-located social support embedded in the school environments.

Along with academic and social supports that are provided in safe and engaging environments before, during, and after school, the new Para Los Niños Integrated Model of Urban Education creates integrated and coordinated systems of culturally-relevant support, with community partnerships and professional communities of invested stakeholders working collaboratively to improve the education, physical health, mental health, safety, and economic well-being of children and their families.


Helping children and their families succeed in school and in life.


Para Los Niños exists to close the achievement gap created by poverty by building on the strengths of children and their families in urban learning communities, supporting academic achievement and social well-being.