The Benefits of Acupuncture


Whenever people ask me what I do to combat stress, the first thing that comes to mind is acupuncture. Stress can be caused by just about anything from being worried about something, not having enough time to get everything done, rushing around and over-taxing your system or anything that troubles you enough to affect your moods, sleep, concentration and overall well-being.

Left untreated stress can cause distress which then puts your body in dis-ease. Take out that tiny little dash and you can have disease. Leaving your body stressed for too long can lead to a multitude of minor health problems and serious disease. Stress is bad for your heart, your digestive system, your immune system, your brain, your entire body. Think you can’t afford to handle your stress, you can’t afford not to. It’s more expensive to be sick than to spend a few bucks on little things to take stress out of your life. For most of us it is more expensive to visit the doctor, stay in the hospital or even take a day off from work due to illness than to do simple daily rituals like deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, baths, massage, or other healthy stress reducing activities.

For more serious stress relief, try acupuncture which is a great way to relax and let go of your stress. What exactly is acupuncture and how safe is it, you ask? Acupuncture is a technique practiced by professionals trained in western medicine who insert and manipulate tiny sterile needles into specific points in the body to create better vital energy flows. The needles are so fine they can barely be felt and can actually be very calming. Once energy begins to flow, endorphins, an essential hormone for proper balance, are released, providing a sense of well-being, calmness, and allows our bodies to function properly.

The technique is endorsed as a viable treatment for a multitude of conditions by the World Health Organization (WHO), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The American Medical Association AMA). Fees generally range from $60-$120 per session and are sometimes covered by insurance providers. Initial treatments are usually longer, more comprehensive and more expensive but some practitioners offer package deals for long-term therapy.

As with any condition, be sure to consult your primary care physician to be sure this treatment is right for you.