Chef LaLa Joins Panelists During for Annual Latina Conference

Hispanic Lifestyle Magazine is presenting its 4th Annual Latina Conference, scheduled for March 22, 2002 at the Ontario Airport Hilton, 700 North Haven in Ontario, CA.

The Latina Conference is an event designed to generate meaningful dialogue among Latinas on topics like health, business, and education.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Latinas in Entertainment”. Actresses, broadcasters, recording artists and writers will come together to discuss their experiences and insights through keynote ad- dresses, seminar sessions, and a panel discussion.

… Panelists for the morning discussion include: Joy Enriquez (recording artist, Arista Records), Evelina Fernandez (Luminarias, American Me, actress, writer) Jackie Guerra (An American Fam- ily, Selena) Seidy Lopez (Showtime’s Resurrection Blvd., Mi Vida Loca) and Chef Lala (Ulala! The Cooking Show).

Seminar topics include: “Building Wealth in Turbulent Times,” “Creating Your Public Image,” “Making your Way Up The Corpo- rate Structure,” Success in the Business World” and others.